Thursday, March 1, 2012

The dog has a bit of holiday weight....

Some people are cat people.  Me?  I'm a dog person.  I have always grown up with dogs and having one of my own now, I can honestly say that he has added so much value to our lives.  He cuddles and plays and is such an amazing big brother and companion for William.  He's our "other" baby - Tressel. 

I recently took Tressel to the vet for his annual vaccinations and check-up.  Tressel is a black lab and had previously weighed about 79 or 80 pounds.  Big boy is now up to 86 pounds.  That's quite a steep jump and I could see their vet, judgy eyes looking at me as if I'm a horrible dog parent that let their child's weight get away from them.

They took us to the tiny room where Tressel roamed and sniffed and I was feeling guilty that my dog had let himself go (which means I suck as a doggy mommy).  The questions come.  Any problems since your last visit?  No.  What kind of food do you feed him?  Oh boy, here it comes.  Does he get exercise? Well, yes, but umm, it's been cold and we've been busy...  Does he get table food?  Umm...why yes, we do have a one year old.....

I blamed it on William....

As you can see, Tressel claims his spot immediately next to William for all three meals.  It didn't take long for him to figure that one out.  Makes for the floor clean-up quite easy after meals....

Just act cool, Tressel.....they are watching.  You can have some of my food in a minute....


Not a Perfect Mom said...

oh yes, always blame everything on the kids! haha

running out of clever names said...

Ha ha love the caption ;)

Pinki Kumari said...

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