Gone are the days when lil' man gets put down, I run to the bathroom, grab a shower, cook dinner and return and he's still in the same spot. Oh, how quickly those days came and went. He has been scooting and rolling around for awhile now. But slow enough that I could at least run to the bathroom before he could get far enough to get into anything. Well now he is officially crawling and can get into things he shouldn't at medium speed. While I'm cooking dinner or reading my book, I can generally gauge where he is on the living room floor based on the music that is coming from what toy. "Oh, that song comes from the wobbly penguin and that is against the wall, next to the toy bin. He's at least five feet from anything he can destroy." or "Oh no! That music is from that singing helicopter and means he's next to the entertainment center and probably trying to stick his hand in the VCR!"
(yeah, VCR...we have one, what of it?) I guess this skilled hearing is something I developed after becoming a mom.
Not only is he getting around and potentially getting into things he shouldn't, I'm viewing the house with an entirely different set of eyes. Everything is way sharper than it used to be. There is way more lint and dirt on the carpet than ever before, I'm sure of it. Everything is a potential paper cut, bruise, black eye or broken limb waiting to happen. I remember watching
Baby's Day Out when I was a kid. It was so funny how that little baby got so far and got into so much trouble. Now that I have a kid? Umm...that's not funny at all. This is serious shit, yo! HA!
(OK, that baby is still kind of cute...)
So I guess now is the time to stop encouraging any walking or crawling because I'm sure that's when the fun really begins and we end up submitting pictures to
Sh*t My Kid Ruined.....
Just wait until he discovers the toilet paper roll. It's Joslyn's favorite toy lately. We have to shut the bathroom door at all times now. We have mostly child proofed but she always seems to get into the things that we haven't. And how do you child proof dog bowls?! And I'm sure my house wasn't covered with this much dog hair before...but a crawling baby acts like a baby swiffer and shows me every day how often I need to vacuum.
Haha!! Love that you know where he is by the music you hear... brilliant. (Also love that you still have a vcr).
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