My 2010 new year's resolution was to read more - at least a book a month. I think I read a piddly six books last year? First of all, that's embarrassing, I know. Second, I paid for all of them. So less than two weeks after getting my new, magical (what can I say, this is my word) library card, I have two books completed and I'm working my way through a third and ready to start on my fourth. I'm working to read a little fiction and non-fiction to get a little variety (I'm generally a non-fiction kind of gal).
So far -
- Imperfect Birds by Anne Lamott
- Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott
I was a mess all morning. Maybe my hormones are raging, maybe that's what the craziness was all about. Something is really off. Part of me wants my body back, wants to stop being a moo-cow, and part of me thinks about nursing him through kindergarten. I know a woman who nursed her daughter until the girl was almost four, and of course we all went around thinking that it was a bit much, too Last Emperor for our blood. But now when Sam and I are nursing, it crosses my mind that I will never ever be willing to give this up. It'll be okay, I think to myself, we can get it to work, I'll follow him to college but I'll stay totally out of the way....This the easiest, purest communication I've ever know.My favorite passage from the book is one that touched my heart and is something that I continue to learn each and every day -
One thing about Sam, one thing about having a baby, is that each step of the way you simply cannot imagine loving him any more than you already do because you are bursting with love, loving as much as you are humanly capable of - and then you do, you love him even more.How absolutely true...
I'm now off reading my next books, The Green Book and The Hunger Games.

Love Anne Lamott, love my kindle even more. You should look into one, they are easy to transport and you can get all kinds of free titles.
Lamott's Bird by Bird is great for writers, too...
Also, Kindles are awesome and there are all kinds of free titles, but the danger is that you can buy books, mostly for $10 or less, with one click. I thought it would save me money, but now I just need therapy to curb my compulsive book buying.
Hunger Games ROCKS.
Yay! So glad you enjoyed "Operating Instructions." I'm taking V's advice and moving on to "Bird by Bird" next. :)
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