Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can I Get a Spotter for My Back Bend?

OK...I'm slightly concerned and scared.....

I know the third trimester leads to lots of uncomfortable side effects during pregnancy.  You are huge, you need to pee ten times in the middle of the night, continued heartburn and constipation, baby kicking like David Beckham on your bladder or ribs or intestines or , back aches and thousands of others I'm sure I'm missing. 

I'm slowly getting ready to coast into the third trimester and I've been feeling good.  Still sleeping fairly well (only peeing about twice in the middle of the night so far), heartburn has definitely slowed, the occasional back ache, what constipation? and besides moving a little slower than normal, I still feel good.  There is one piece of discomfort I'm scared to mention out loud because as my little William grows in the next few months, I'm afraid that it will move past my wildest imagination of uncomfortable.

I have a baby in my ribs....

I basically sit at a desk all day at work and at times it feels like my innocent baby boy is trying to work his way on top of my ribs.  I feel like if I could just push him back down lower, things would be good.  This, however, doesn't work.  I stand up, hoping gravity will work its magic to slide my William down out of my rib cage - no luck.  Then I feel like if I could possibly lean backwards, it might allow more room.  Then, when that doesn't work, I think...well maybe if i completely bend backwards, then THAT would help....

William is only supposed to be about 14.5 inches right now from head to heel.  So using averages, he's still got another 5.5 inches to go.  So if I'm going around, asking for a spotter for my back bend...you'll know why.

And yes....I realize by bringing this up, I open up the opportunity for people to just chuckle to themselves and think "Oh, Stephanie...just you wait."  I know this....that's why I'm concerned and scared....

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