Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meet William!!

Today was the 3D/4D sonogram!

William had been dancing around mommy's belly all morning and decided to be almost completely still the minute we get in the room with the sono technician.  And the little stinker decided to be shy and hide his face from us - I think he wants to just make a grand entrance into this world, with no surprised ahead of time.

No real surprises - it is a boy, confirmed again.  One possible eye brow raise....he's gonna be huge!!  I asked the technician to measure, and he's currently measuring at about 3 lbs, 7 oz - which is almost four weeks larger than what a normal 28 week baby would be.  Am I further along in my pregnancy or is William just going to jump out ready to play football?  He is currently in a frank breech position - both legs and head up and butt facing down.  This isn't too concerning at this point since it's still early.

Regardless of being able to see his face, the images are pretty amazing!  We are just in love with him already!

"Wanna see my face?....oh..just kidding...."

"I"m quite comfy with my shin in my face, thank you very much..."

Grabbing his toes

Being shy and not showing his whole face

Bottom of his foot

Snug as a bug in a rug - legs up to face and arms to face

Wiggling his fingers and giving a "peace" sign

You can see a cheek and eye poking thru and yes, that's his foot on his head! is amazing!!


Mom said...

He looks like he has normal toes. What's up with that?

Alisha said...

Patrick's comment- "Wow, he can't be comfortable."

Mia said...

I love the peace sign one, that is too cute :]


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